It’s the Final Countdown!

Lately, I have been having the worst Senioritis! Senioritis is a supposed affliction of students in their final year of high school or college, characterized by a decline in motivation or performance. I have definitely been having Senioritis. I have been having Senioritis as I am going through my last semester of college. There is only one month left. I am a little terrified to leave college life; however, I am definitely ready to start this new exciting life. My only problem is fighting this Senioritis “disease” because most days I have no motivation.

When I was a Freshman starting college at the Mount, I was always on top of making sure I would get my assignments done. Sometimes I would even get my assignments done before the due date. I felt proud of being able to get my assignments done on time, even early, and felt extremely motivated. I was so excited and was looking forward to starting my classes for my major: Special Education.

Now that has all changed due to Senioritis. This is my last semester of my senior year of college. My Senioritis has progressed from week one, when I had some motivation, to now being a month away from graduation and I have absolutely zero motivation. I have started getting my assignments done the night that they are due, compared to freshman year where I had my assignments complete before they were due. I really don’t feel that bad about getting my assignments in right as they are due, rather than early. I’m getting things done, right?

I would say the little motivation I have is graduation being right around the corner.

I have started to have one of the most unnatural routines to get my homework done at night. Here are some tips that I do NOT recommend doing that Senioritis will get you to do, due to lack of motivation.

  1. Around 8:00 pm, I start debating about doing homework versus binging and watching some of my favorite shows such as “Atypical”, “Brooklyn 99”, “The Voice”, and “The Kelly Clarkson Show”. Guess which option wins? 
  2. Then I realize, “Wow, it’s already 10pm and getting late. I better start on my homework.” I then proceed to start drinking coffee at around 10 to 11 o’clock at night so I can watch my favorite shows and also get my homework done. (I hope there aren’t any freshman or sophomores reading this. If so, I highly recommend NOT to do any of this).

I started to realize that even drinking coffee in the morning and late at night has really affected my sleep. Have I changed this pattern so I can get more sleep? Nope. It’s November 11th, and I am still drinking coffee late on a school night as I am writing this blog.

I started to realize that even drinking coffee in the morning and late at night has really affected my sleep. Have I changed this pattern so I can get more sleep? Nope. It’s November 11th, and I am still drinking coffee late on a school night as I am writing this blog.

The lack of sleep makes me feel tired while I am trying to balance my everyday life. My everyday life this semester has consisted of balancing interviews and finding a job before graduation, making graduation plans, babysitting, and completing a certain amount of hours per week of my co-op. I also have full time classes, homework, and tutoring in Project Excel for every single one of my classes. And then I have to come home to do homework that is due the next day.

Some advice I have for Freshmen and Sophomores is be ready for this “disease” and prepare yourself by planning in advance. I am ready for this “disease” of Senioritis to be cured and to move on with my new exciting life. The cure (my graduation) will start on December 14th, 2019 at 10:00am.

If you’re wondering whether or not I have a countdown, yes I do! There are 33 days until I will be cured from this “disease.” The official countdown? From November 11th, 2019 at 6:24pm there is 1 month, 2 days, 15 hours, 35 minutes, and 3 seconds until I will be officially cured from this “disease”.