Graduation and New Beginnings!

Graduation is upon us. It is less than a week away and I have so many emotions going on in my head as I am writing this blog. I have had a long college career with making new friends that will last me a lifetime, new jobs, and tutors that have helped me get through college. Graduation is this Saturday December 14th, 2018.

I am so excited to be able to start this new journey in my life but feeling somewhat sad to the ones that have a big impression on me and have pushed me to help me get to where I am today. Graduation is a time for celebration and I am definitely ready to celebrate with my family and friends.

Now even though graduation is right around the corner, during the school semester I was job hunting for many different kinds of jobs. I had about four job interviews throughout the semester, on top of work, school, and tutoring. It was very busy.

On November 12th, I got a official email from a company called Behavioral Intervention & Consulting or known as BI&C. I had interviewed with that company, as a full time position for a Registered Behavior Technician. The email asked and said that they would love for me to join the team and that they had a job position open for me. The email also said that all of the workers there had nothing but positive things to say about me when I went in for my observation.

Behavioral Intervention & Consulting (BI&C)

I ACCEPTED the full time job position at BI&C as a Registered Behavioral Technician! I have been so excited and so I have been starting part time every Monday’s and Friday’s all day for training. I love my bosses and coworkers and most important the clients I get to work with!

Inside of what BI&C looks like

I am looking forward to after graduation of starting my new job at BI&C as a Registered Behavioral Technician! My official start date is on December 23rd and I can’t wait to start this new chapter in my life after graduating from college! I am so blessed and excited for graduation and the new beginnings and chapters in my life!!

Have a Holly Jolly Christmas!

Christmas is a wonderful holiday to celebrate with friends, family, and loved ones. Christmas occurs on December 25th every year. Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world. Many people have their own traditions and fun festivities that they like to do around Christmas time. For example, a famous favorite thing that a lot of people love to do is go for a good Venti Starbucks Peppermint Mocha holiday drink. 

On Christmas Eve, my immediate family and I always go to Christmas mass. Sometimes we go to mass very early in the morning, or in the middle of the afternoon, or we go to midnight mass. It’s always crazy trying to figure it out but we always make it work. Depending on when we go to mass, we host a yummy Christmas Eve dinner with our close neighbors and part of our family. My neighbors come over as well as my aunt and my two cousins on my mom’s side of the family. We always eat yummy Christmas Eve dinner that my mom makes and I help out with. The food is different every year. 

After dinner, my cousins and I always put on the movie “Elf”. We crack jokes and we also sometimes talk while the movie is playing and then have everyone gather around for opening presents. After talking and opening gifts, our stomachs are hungry so of course it’s time for dessert. My mom always buys a delicious cinnamon apple pie and serves it with vanilla ice cream. It is delicious!

The famous movie “Elf”

I celebrate Christmas morning with my immediate family. We all sleep in, get our coffee, and then gather around the tree and slowly open gifts. We have created this new tradition where someone in the family picks up a present and gives it to the family member to whom the present belongs. After that person opens that gift, that person gets up, picks out a gift and hands it to the next person in our family who has not received a gift. As we open gifts, my mom makes delicious cinnamon rolls and a delicious breakfast casserole to have as a brunch. We open all our gifts and eat our delicious brunch. We then rush to get ready and head to Grandma’s house to celebrate Christmas with my mom’s side of the family and complete the cycle all over again. We eat a delicious dinner, open gifts, play a board game, and travel to go back home. 

Christmas is a special time because we have wonderful traditions to follow along with Christmas music, yummy food, opening gifts, and of course the famous Hallmark Christmas movies to watch. The traditions, decorations, and Christmas music make me eager and excited. It gives me something to look forward to every year when Christmas comes to town. I hope you have a Holly Jolly Christmas because it’s the best time of the year!

A Classic Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is a fun holiday and I enjoy spending time with family. However it is not one of my favorite holidays. Before going to my aunt’s house for Thanksgiving, my family and I watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on television every year. We like to watch all the floats, balloons, and the different performances and groups that are there in the parade because they are from all around the United States being put together on this special day. It is very cool to watch all of these groups get together to perform every year on Thanksgiving Day. The parade is different but I look forward to it every year. Watching the parade with my family has become a tradition for many years before we celebrate Thanksgiving with my mom’s side of the family.

Every year my family has a classic meal in the early evening on Thanksgiving Day. We have our certain traditions that we like to do every year. When first get there, we go around the room and say hello to everyone on my mom’s side of the family whom we celebrate this holiday with. We then watch football while my aunts, grandpa, and my mom are all helping to get the Thanksgiving meal together. We eat a very early Thanksgiving dinner.

My brother and my cousin Spencer have carried on this tradition every year, where all the cousins watch the movie “Kung Fu Panda” while eating our Thanksgiving dinner. It is hilarious, but we continue to watch it no matter how old we are because it has created fun memories and a new tradition that we started. I hope that one day, we can pass this tradition down to all of our kids so that they will watch the movie “Kung Fu Panda” together just like we did growing up or maybe even creating their own new traditions. 

After dinner, we all help clean up and then we gather around to play board games while eating dessert. My family is very competitive when it comes to playing board games but we are always laughing and creating new memories on Thanksgiving day each year. 

My favorite part about Thanksgiving is being able to hang out with all my cousins and watch “Kung Fu Panda” while eating lots of food. Although I love this holiday, the reason this is not one of my very favorite holidays is because my favorite holiday is coming down the chimney.

It’s Bread Day!

Every year here at Mount St. Joseph University in Project Excel we celebrate Bread Day. World Bread Day is an international observance celebrated on October 16 every year. It was initiated by the International Union of Bakers and Confectioners (UIBC). This special day is dedicated to celebrating an important food that everyone loves around the world. Today, on November 20th, 2019, Project Excel is celebrating Bread Day.

Our entire staff and tutors bring in different types of dips,breads, chips and snacks that go with bread, so that we get all the sugar and carbs we want all in one day! We always try to celebrate Bread Day and it has been a tradition that Project Excel has been doing for years.

Students and staff always look forward to Bread Day and getting to try all the delicious treats and different types of bread. Every student looks forward to Bread Day, not only because we get free food but also because have access to the bread all day.

Bread Puns

Even Alumni who have graduated and have been a part of Project Excel get jealous when finding out it’s Bread Day. We sometimes have surprise Alumni students come visit to say hello to the tutors and staff while also getting bread!

Just like other years, our menu this year consisted of different types of bread. The Swiss onion bread and the gluten free blueberry muffins were my two favorites this year. One was sweet while the other was savory. I also enjoyed the gluten free pineapple/cranberry cake. It had a lot of yummy flavors to it.

My plate from Bread Day

Since I am going to be graduating in December of 2019, I am going to miss Bread Day and looking forward to it as a student. Maybe as an alum, I will just have to come back for Bread Day next year to eat some yummy bread and to say hello to my wonderful tutors.

Funny Puns to celebrate Bread Day- one of my favorites

Welcome To The Kelly Clarkson Show!

Well if you have read my past blogs you know I’m obsessed with Kelly Clarkson. So, when I found out she was having her own T.V show, I was so excited! The show premiered on September 9th, 2019. The show is on at 3:00pm on ABC every week day. Due to classes and tutoring, I am always busy so I record it and then watch it first thing when I get home from school or work.

Kelly Clarkson won American Idol in 2002. My roommate Frankie and I  always watch her show together. When we watch it, we are always laughing and crying during the show. It is such an emotional roller coaster but I love it! Then we usually talk about the show during the commercials. Someday, I want to complete my dream of meeting Kelly Clarkson and see the raw authentic person that she truly is!

Each day on her show, she has different guests, different segments, and different topics that are talked about. She always has other celebrities on her show and people that have inspired her that she found through social media or posts that she has liked on social media. The segment of where she likes a post on social media is called “What I’m Liking”.

She starts her show by picking a random person in the audience that has requested a song and then will do a cover version of that original song. She then proceeds to talk to the random guest that she has in her audience that selects the song. On Wednesday November 13th, 2019, Kelly performed the song “Cake By the Ocean” by Joe Jonas.

Kelly Clarkson had a special guest that day and introduced Jason Momoa, also known as Aquaman, to her audience. She brought her two youngest kids out because they are both huge fans of Aquaman. Remy and River are Kelly’s kids. Remy is 3 years old and River is 5 years old. They came out and River gave Aquaman a hug whereas Remy was a little bit too shy. They had two questions for Aquaman. Here is how the conversation went:

River: Do you have kids?

Aquaman: I do, I do have kids.

Kelly: Okay Riv, why don’t you take over? You have a question for him?

River: Yeah I forgot

Kelly: Here I’ll tell you of what you told me in the thing.

River: Do you know Little Mermaid?

Kelly: That was her question, in my office, and I was like ask him.

Aquaman: Ariel, yeah, she’s, Ariel’s very sweet, she’s very nice. She’s also a redhead, so I;m gonna teach you about redheads some day (as he looks at Remy). They’re very passionate, very passionate people.

Kelly: That is true, Ver you had another question in the office, you want me to, okay here I’ll help you.

River: (Gives Aquaman a picture she drew of him)

Aquaman: Aw thank you baby

Kelly: Did you make that Ver, for our friend? (River nods Yes) Oh my God that’s so nice.

River: Where does Aquaman go to the the bathroom?

Kelly: That was what she asked in the office, where does Aquaman go to the bathroom?


Kelly: That’s cause you’re in the water all the time, oh my God. She’s the talker and he’s the sensitive one.

Aquaman: Hey, it’s chill with Aquaman.

Kelly: All right well you guys did awesome good job. Good job Riv, you’re so sweet.

River and Remy: Say “thank you” to Aquaman and give him a high five

River and Remy “Burning ‘Aquaman’ with Questions

She then continues with her show with people that have inspired her. She finds out about these people on social media or stories that she has heard and then brings them to her show. She talks about their story and how they have learned in someway to help or inspire other people and to do good in the world.

After she does some other cooking segments or games she then goes to her last segment called “#What I’m Liking.” She finds something on social media that she finds hilarious or something that someone has done to help someone else out in need. That same show she found a video about a 6th grader who invented a robot that helps clean up the ocean. She then surprises her by Skyping her live on her show to talk to the girl named Anna.

If you want to check out the video of her what I’m like segment and her whole episode that day with Jason Momoa (Aquaman) check out the link below!

I loved this particular episode because of Kelly’s kids getting to be in the show. I love every episode of The Kelly Clarkson Show! Watching her show everyday gives me a reason to relax after a long day at school or work.

My Mental Health Playlist

Do you have a mental health playlist? A mental health playlist should consist of a variety of your favorite songs that you go to that help you deal with what you’re going through in life, like anxiety, depression, OCD, etc. My playlist includes songs that have not only helped me get through hard times but they can also be happy songs that help cheer me up when I am feeling scared or feeling down. My playlist is focused on my anxiety and depression. My anxiety and depression are the mental health problems that I deal with on an everyday basis. Here is a look at my top 5 songs that are on my mental health playlist. Please enjoy and try not to cry.

1. Cry Pretty- Carrie Underwood

I have loved Carrie Underwood since American Idol. I think she is a great singer. However, I am not a fan of country music which is what she is known for. This song speaks to me because it’s not just about the accident she had before writing this song. She had fallen down some steps and ended up getting up to 40 to 50 stitches on her face. She hid for a while but explained to her fans, “”The title refers to when emotions take over and you just can’t hold them back.” She added in a letter to fans on her blog, “It really speaks to a lot of things that have happened in the past year.” I think this can relate to so many people that struggle with mental health just like myself. Carrie shows that even though she hid from others after her accident she came through it in the end. In the same way, people who struggle with mental health can overcome their problems too and not hide.

2. Sober-Kelly Clarkson

From what I’ve read, everyone interprets this particular song differently. The main thing I think of when I listen to this song? Recovery. This song makes me feel empowered and gives me hope. It’s something I belt out in the car while driving to and from my therapy appointments. Because I grew up with anxiety and depression, whenever I listen to this song it still makes me think of how far I’ve come with my mental health. I feel like I have recovered and have come a long way from when I first started battling anxiety and depression.

3. You Will Be Found- Broadway Musical “Dear Evan Hansen

When I first listened to this song, it really helped me with my depression because I was feeling hopeless and alone. This song is about people around the world feeling touched by Evan’s speech and they fawn over the words he has spoken. This song displays the theme of empathy because Evan’s memories of Connor (another character) have brought together so many people who felt lost and now have a voice and can be heard. This song supports all different types of mental health awareness and really helps, even when you’re in the darkest moments. Some of my favorite lyrics from this song that spoke out to me are:

“Well, let that lonely feeling wash away
Maybe there’s a reason to believe you’ll be okay
‘Cause when you don’t feel strong enough to stand
You can reach, reach out your hand
And oh, someone will come running
And I know, they’ll take you home

Even when the dark comes crashing through
When you need a friend to carry you
And when you’re broken on the ground
You will be found”

4. You Are The Reason-Calum Scott

When I first listened to this song, I thought it was a broken love song, but I interpreted it differently, meaning that it could be about that special person or people in your life. This songs says that “You Are The Reason” I have not given up and would do anything to fix myself for you. I think of this as a healing song, knowing that it’s okay to have mental health problems but that someone will always be with you to help you heal. This song reminds me that I will always have someone to help me “climb every mountain” and obstacle I face in life, to heal from my anxiety and depression. This song shows that no matter what, you always have someone in your life to remind you not to give up and keep fighting. This song just touches my heart in a special place especially when I have those hard days of fighting my depression and anxiety.

5. Just Be Held- Casting Crowns

This band is a Christian band that is very popular if you like to listen to Christian music. According to the artists, this song, “Was based on a family who lost their little girl to cancer. I saw what worship really looks like in going through that storm with that family.” Even though people might have a bad day, God is still good. It might be easier said than done. The artists state, “That’s what I saw and what I learned in walking with that family through that storm”. This song is very touching for people who are similar to me who struggle with mental health on a daily basis. It relates to a bible verse that also does a great job of explaining how we all feel when we are in a difficult place, while explaining the challenges we face on a good and bad day. This song gives me hope that I should never give up. If I fall down, I need to be strong and stand right back up and try again.

Philippians 4:6 (VOICE): “Don’t be anxious about things; instead, pray. Pray about everything. He longs to hear your requests, so talk to God about your needs and be thankful for what has come.”

What songs would be on your mental health playlist? I have shared my ideas, and would love to hear yours. Please let me know in the comments section what songs you would put on your mental health playlist.

It’s the Final Countdown!

Lately, I have been having the worst Senioritis! Senioritis is a supposed affliction of students in their final year of high school or college, characterized by a decline in motivation or performance. I have definitely been having Senioritis. I have been having Senioritis as I am going through my last semester of college. There is only one month left. I am a little terrified to leave college life; however, I am definitely ready to start this new exciting life. My only problem is fighting this Senioritis “disease” because most days I have no motivation.

When I was a Freshman starting college at the Mount, I was always on top of making sure I would get my assignments done. Sometimes I would even get my assignments done before the due date. I felt proud of being able to get my assignments done on time, even early, and felt extremely motivated. I was so excited and was looking forward to starting my classes for my major: Special Education.

Now that has all changed due to Senioritis. This is my last semester of my senior year of college. My Senioritis has progressed from week one, when I had some motivation, to now being a month away from graduation and I have absolutely zero motivation. I have started getting my assignments done the night that they are due, compared to freshman year where I had my assignments complete before they were due. I really don’t feel that bad about getting my assignments in right as they are due, rather than early. I’m getting things done, right?

I would say the little motivation I have is graduation being right around the corner.

I have started to have one of the most unnatural routines to get my homework done at night. Here are some tips that I do NOT recommend doing that Senioritis will get you to do, due to lack of motivation.

  1. Around 8:00 pm, I start debating about doing homework versus binging and watching some of my favorite shows such as “Atypical”, “Brooklyn 99”, “The Voice”, and “The Kelly Clarkson Show”. Guess which option wins? 
  2. Then I realize, “Wow, it’s already 10pm and getting late. I better start on my homework.” I then proceed to start drinking coffee at around 10 to 11 o’clock at night so I can watch my favorite shows and also get my homework done. (I hope there aren’t any freshman or sophomores reading this. If so, I highly recommend NOT to do any of this).

I started to realize that even drinking coffee in the morning and late at night has really affected my sleep. Have I changed this pattern so I can get more sleep? Nope. It’s November 11th, and I am still drinking coffee late on a school night as I am writing this blog.

I started to realize that even drinking coffee in the morning and late at night has really affected my sleep. Have I changed this pattern so I can get more sleep? Nope. It’s November 11th, and I am still drinking coffee late on a school night as I am writing this blog.

The lack of sleep makes me feel tired while I am trying to balance my everyday life. My everyday life this semester has consisted of balancing interviews and finding a job before graduation, making graduation plans, babysitting, and completing a certain amount of hours per week of my co-op. I also have full time classes, homework, and tutoring in Project Excel for every single one of my classes. And then I have to come home to do homework that is due the next day.

Some advice I have for Freshmen and Sophomores is be ready for this “disease” and prepare yourself by planning in advance. I am ready for this “disease” of Senioritis to be cured and to move on with my new exciting life. The cure (my graduation) will start on December 14th, 2019 at 10:00am.

If you’re wondering whether or not I have a countdown, yes I do! There are 33 days until I will be cured from this “disease.” The official countdown? From November 11th, 2019 at 6:24pm there is 1 month, 2 days, 15 hours, 35 minutes, and 3 seconds until I will be officially cured from this “disease”.

“Oh, the Places You’ll Go”

“Let us remember: One book, One pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.” -Malala Yousafzai

I remember when I was younger I used to absolutely love going school supply shopping. It was never the fact that school was starting, it was the fact that I got to look forward every year to getting new school supplies. I still love it, even as a future educator and adult. You  can take me to a school supply store like Staples, Michael’s, or even Home Depot and I could just be in there for hours. 

How I feel as a future educator and adult going school supply shopping!

I love looking at pens, Flair Pens, mechanical pencils, and don’t even get me started on planners! Have you ever gone shopping and found your favorite pen, and then one day you lose it because you have used it so much? No? Well I have and it’s extremely frustrating and makes me feel like I lose my mind sometimes because I know I just saw it.

Some things that teachers or future educators love are the certain obsessions we have with school supplies. Today, I am going to inform you not on just my favorite pen but also on some of my favorite school supplies and the things I love when it comes to going back to school shopping. Now, I know some of you are probably thinking what the hell is wrong with you for being obsessed with school supplies and looking forward to going school supply shopping? Well, it’s a teacher thing, you wouldn’t understand.

How most teachers react when its time to go school supply shopping

Flair pens and teachers go together like peanut butter and jelly! Planners and lesson plans take on a whole new life when you can color-coordinate with a Flair pen or 12! P.S. I recommend hiding these bad boys away in a secret lock box that no one but you has the code to because they are just THAT special! Now as a future educator, I have heard how amazing laminators are and how much time they have saved other teachers. I have heard countless stories about how it can save teachers time and money to reuse supplies and worksheets that have been created. I have also heard stories about how students are not able to tear the worksheet apart because it was laminated. Now, had me at Laminators! When I become a teacher, I will understand the joy and love of lamination.

The beautiful flair pens!

 I think my favorite part about the whole school supply shopping experience would be finding my favorite pens that have the smooth bold ink. It’s like putting soft butter on bread. It is such a satisfying feeling. Sometimes I know I want to buy planners when I know in my head that I have an old one I can still use but I really want a new one just so I can write in it with my new favorite pen and Flair pens I just bought. So, I decide to get it anyway even if I regret it later. The expense says otherwise but the satisfaction is definitely worth it if you ask any future educator or teacher. 

“Oh, the Places You’ll Go” just to find your favorite school supplies. My favorite place is Staples. They always have every type of pen I need and I can always find my favorite pen there too.

And maybe a planner.

“Makes Me Wanna Go Gaga”

During my sophomore year of highschool, I was a part of the marching band at Oakwood High School playing piccolo. I always had a love for music. I loved dancing, listening, and singing to music. At the age of six, I realized my passion for music and because I enjoyed being a part of volleyball teams, it was a natural thing for me to be a part of the marching band.

A collage of me being in band in high school: 2010-2014

During marching band season of my sophomore year, we ended up doing one of my all time favorite shows which was Lady Gaga. As we were not a competition band, we did not perform competitively so we got to learn new music and shows every week. This week was special since we were preparing to do a Lady Gaga show at one of our home games. 

The first song we played was “Poker Face” by the queen herself, Lady Gaga. Our drum major or field commander was hidden in a giant egg that we made as band for him to hide in and then he popped out during the middle of the song. The rest of the band members started to make a big spiral and then it became smaller and smaller while we were playing “Poker Face”. We got to the end of the song and we just, as my band director said, “lost our minds and were doing it all wrong” by playing wrong notes and everyone falling down, landing into a super weird positions and making the band look absolutely ridiculous. This was to reflect Lady Gaga’s unique sense of style.

Poker Face by Lady Gaga Music Video

We then screamed and ran to our next positions for the next song which was “Bad Romance” by Lady Gaga. The song started off with the band standing and playing while we had a group of people do a choreographed dance, similar to the one Lady Gaga uses in her music video. So that their performance was directed at the home stands. All of the band members had to wear a towel as a cape due to the field being extremely muddy which went along with our crazy Lady Gaga outfits. We had a lot of fun picking our own unique outfits to wear.  We continued to play the song until it was over and until the dancers were done and then we all froze into a standing position except for the dancers. This was another fun way to show her sense of style, including the actual dance from her video. 

Lady Gaga-Bad Romance Music Video

We then transitioned to our last song which was not a Lady Gaga song. We heard the whistle blow and ran to our positions and got ready to play “Party Rock Anthem”. This song consisted of us screaming and being crazy until being commanded to put our instruments up and then we began to play the song. Our two field commanders danced and had their own choreography to the beginning of the song. We danced and yelled as a band the words, “everyday I’m shuffling” and then the drum section played a cadence for us and all danced to a choreographed version of this song that Ohio University did. 

Party Rock Anthem- “Everyday I’m Shuffling”

We learned the dance moves so we would be able to perform while the drums played. Being in sync for this dance took hours to perfect, but it was worth it. We slowly finished our dance and picked up our instruments and finished playing the song. Once we were finished playing “Party Rock Anthem”, we all stood as a band in a power pose position and held it there. We always had the tradition to then end our shows by playing our fight song.

I am dancing and then playing piccolo

Being a part of marching band in high school taught me that everyone has to work together, not just on the music and how we sound but also we had to help each other by suggesting ideas of costumes for the Lady Gaga show, talking about masks or wierd, bright colored shirts. We also had to practice as a team, so with all the choreographed dances we did we had to learn like we were a team and make it look Gaga-like and most of all, have fun while performing. The best part was enjoying the different shows we got to learn and music to play along with it and the experience of making lifelong friendships. The constant practices after school, in the evenings, before game day, and traveling always made us that much closer as a band and team!

Being a part of marching band through high school was one of the best experiences and I was able to create unforgettable memories. One of these memories was on October 21st, 2011 when we did our Lady Gaga show.


If you have any interest in wanting to go Gaga, then you can watch our Lady Gaga Performance on the link below:

“Surprise, I Gotcha”

“What the hell is this dog doing in my apartment?”-Holly Malone

It was a typical Thursday evening and I just got home from work and walked up to unlock my apartment door, well at least I thought it was gonna be a typical evening. I looked down to find my keys to open my apartment door and was trying to find my keys in the dark so I could unlock the door. I looked up and saw a cute, adorable dog that I didn’t recognize. 

I then proceeded to walk inside and said to my roommate Frankie, “Ummmm…. Who’s dog is this and why is it in our apartment?” Frankie then proceeded to tell me how she was fostering Jessie known as Jess.

“Isn’t this the cutest puppy that you ever did see?”

My roommate, Frankie rescued Jess from her work. She works at an animal hospital called All Creatures Animal Hospital. She was rescued because she had a contagious disease called Parvo. According to, Parvo is “Is a small virus that first appeared in the 1970s. It’s transmitted from dog to dog through feces and vomit. Puppies are at the greatest risk for getting Parvo. Parvo in puppies is very serious. It’s a deadly disease that is easily preventable. Parvo strikes young puppies who’ve not been vaccinated.”

Jess being “rescued” by Harry the Lifeguard

Frankie then proceeded to tell me that she had later found out that not only was Jess surrendered, but the owners wanted to euthanize her because they couldn’t breed her or pay her medical bills.

I didn’t grow up with dogs. I was actually terrified of dogs when I was little but as I grew up, I grew out of that phase and began to start loving dogs. Jess was, and still is, extremely attached to Frankie and I was the second mom in the “family”. 

“Our little goofball”

Frankie tried to find a home for Jess but 6 months later… Frankie did not find a home for Jess. Well I guess, she did considering that she is stuck with us! To celebrate her adoption, we didn’t throw her a birthday party. We had a “Gotcha Day”. According to, “Gotcha Day is celebrated by some families as the day their adoption was finalized and becomes “legal.” 

Our “Gotcha Day” for Jess consisted of a two hour adventure to PetSmart. Some of the things that we did while at PetSmart included buying Jess Halloween toys or toys that she liked and letting her pick them out and then we named her toys. We then ended up putting all sorts of ridiculous adorable Halloween costumes on her in the store and took pictures of her. Some things that we dressed her up in were things like a flamingo hat, a princess costume, and lastly a giant hot dog costume.

“I know why this dog is in my apartment because I get to come home to unconditional love at my apartment door every single day.”-Holly Malone