Graduation and New Beginnings!

Graduation is upon us. It is less than a week away and I have so many emotions going on in my head as I am writing this blog. I have had a long college career with making new friends that will last me a lifetime, new jobs, and tutors that have helped me get through college. Graduation is this Saturday December 14th, 2018.

I am so excited to be able to start this new journey in my life but feeling somewhat sad to the ones that have a big impression on me and have pushed me to help me get to where I am today. Graduation is a time for celebration and I am definitely ready to celebrate with my family and friends.

Now even though graduation is right around the corner, during the school semester I was job hunting for many different kinds of jobs. I had about four job interviews throughout the semester, on top of work, school, and tutoring. It was very busy.

On November 12th, I got a official email from a company called Behavioral Intervention & Consulting or known as BI&C. I had interviewed with that company, as a full time position for a Registered Behavior Technician. The email asked and said that they would love for me to join the team and that they had a job position open for me. The email also said that all of the workers there had nothing but positive things to say about me when I went in for my observation.

Behavioral Intervention & Consulting (BI&C)

I ACCEPTED the full time job position at BI&C as a Registered Behavioral Technician! I have been so excited and so I have been starting part time every Monday’s and Friday’s all day for training. I love my bosses and coworkers and most important the clients I get to work with!

Inside of what BI&C looks like

I am looking forward to after graduation of starting my new job at BI&C as a Registered Behavioral Technician! My official start date is on December 23rd and I can’t wait to start this new chapter in my life after graduating from college! I am so blessed and excited for graduation and the new beginnings and chapters in my life!!

It’s Bread Day!

Every year here at Mount St. Joseph University in Project Excel we celebrate Bread Day. World Bread Day is an international observance celebrated on October 16 every year. It was initiated by the International Union of Bakers and Confectioners (UIBC). This special day is dedicated to celebrating an important food that everyone loves around the world. Today, on November 20th, 2019, Project Excel is celebrating Bread Day.

Our entire staff and tutors bring in different types of dips,breads, chips and snacks that go with bread, so that we get all the sugar and carbs we want all in one day! We always try to celebrate Bread Day and it has been a tradition that Project Excel has been doing for years.

Students and staff always look forward to Bread Day and getting to try all the delicious treats and different types of bread. Every student looks forward to Bread Day, not only because we get free food but also because have access to the bread all day.

Bread Puns

Even Alumni who have graduated and have been a part of Project Excel get jealous when finding out it’s Bread Day. We sometimes have surprise Alumni students come visit to say hello to the tutors and staff while also getting bread!

Just like other years, our menu this year consisted of different types of bread. The Swiss onion bread and the gluten free blueberry muffins were my two favorites this year. One was sweet while the other was savory. I also enjoyed the gluten free pineapple/cranberry cake. It had a lot of yummy flavors to it.

My plate from Bread Day

Since I am going to be graduating in December of 2019, I am going to miss Bread Day and looking forward to it as a student. Maybe as an alum, I will just have to come back for Bread Day next year to eat some yummy bread and to say hello to my wonderful tutors.

Funny Puns to celebrate Bread Day- one of my favorites