A Classic Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is a fun holiday and I enjoy spending time with family. However it is not one of my favorite holidays. Before going to my aunt’s house for Thanksgiving, my family and I watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on television every year. We like to watch all the floats, balloons, and the different performances and groups that are there in the parade because they are from all around the United States being put together on this special day. It is very cool to watch all of these groups get together to perform every year on Thanksgiving Day. The parade is different but I look forward to it every year. Watching the parade with my family has become a tradition for many years before we celebrate Thanksgiving with my mom’s side of the family.

Every year my family has a classic meal in the early evening on Thanksgiving Day. We have our certain traditions that we like to do every year. When first get there, we go around the room and say hello to everyone on my mom’s side of the family whom we celebrate this holiday with. We then watch football while my aunts, grandpa, and my mom are all helping to get the Thanksgiving meal together. We eat a very early Thanksgiving dinner.

My brother and my cousin Spencer have carried on this tradition every year, where all the cousins watch the movie “Kung Fu Panda” while eating our Thanksgiving dinner. It is hilarious, but we continue to watch it no matter how old we are because it has created fun memories and a new tradition that we started. I hope that one day, we can pass this tradition down to all of our kids so that they will watch the movie “Kung Fu Panda” together just like we did growing up or maybe even creating their own new traditions. 

After dinner, we all help clean up and then we gather around to play board games while eating dessert. My family is very competitive when it comes to playing board games but we are always laughing and creating new memories on Thanksgiving day each year. 

My favorite part about Thanksgiving is being able to hang out with all my cousins and watch “Kung Fu Panda” while eating lots of food. Although I love this holiday, the reason this is not one of my very favorite holidays is because my favorite holiday is coming down the chimney.

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