Welcome To The Kelly Clarkson Show!

Well if you have read my past blogs you know I’m obsessed with Kelly Clarkson. So, when I found out she was having her own T.V show, I was so excited! The show premiered on September 9th, 2019. The show is on at 3:00pm on ABC every week day. Due to classes and tutoring, I am always busy so I record it and then watch it first thing when I get home from school or work.

Kelly Clarkson won American Idol in 2002. My roommate Frankie and I  always watch her show together. When we watch it, we are always laughing and crying during the show. It is such an emotional roller coaster but I love it! Then we usually talk about the show during the commercials. Someday, I want to complete my dream of meeting Kelly Clarkson and see the raw authentic person that she truly is!

Each day on her show, she has different guests, different segments, and different topics that are talked about. She always has other celebrities on her show and people that have inspired her that she found through social media or posts that she has liked on social media. The segment of where she likes a post on social media is called “What I’m Liking”.

She starts her show by picking a random person in the audience that has requested a song and then will do a cover version of that original song. She then proceeds to talk to the random guest that she has in her audience that selects the song. On Wednesday November 13th, 2019, Kelly performed the song “Cake By the Ocean” by Joe Jonas.

Kelly Clarkson had a special guest that day and introduced Jason Momoa, also known as Aquaman, to her audience. She brought her two youngest kids out because they are both huge fans of Aquaman. Remy and River are Kelly’s kids. Remy is 3 years old and River is 5 years old. They came out and River gave Aquaman a hug whereas Remy was a little bit too shy. They had two questions for Aquaman. Here is how the conversation went:

River: Do you have kids?

Aquaman: I do, I do have kids.

Kelly: Okay Riv, why don’t you take over? You have a question for him?

River: Yeah I forgot

Kelly: Here I’ll tell you of what you told me in the thing.

River: Do you know Little Mermaid?

Kelly: That was her question, in my office, and I was like ask him.

Aquaman: Ariel, yeah, she’s, Ariel’s very sweet, she’s very nice. She’s also a redhead, so I;m gonna teach you about redheads some day (as he looks at Remy). They’re very passionate, very passionate people.

Kelly: That is true, Ver you had another question in the office, you want me to, okay here I’ll help you.

River: (Gives Aquaman a picture she drew of him)

Aquaman: Aw thank you baby

Kelly: Did you make that Ver, for our friend? (River nods Yes) Oh my God that’s so nice.

River: Where does Aquaman go to the the bathroom?

Kelly: That was what she asked in the office, where does Aquaman go to the bathroom?


Kelly: That’s cause you’re in the water all the time, oh my God. She’s the talker and he’s the sensitive one.

Aquaman: Hey, it’s chill with Aquaman.

Kelly: All right well you guys did awesome good job. Good job Riv, you’re so sweet.

River and Remy: Say “thank you” to Aquaman and give him a high five

River and Remy “Burning ‘Aquaman’ with Questions

She then continues with her show with people that have inspired her. She finds out about these people on social media or stories that she has heard and then brings them to her show. She talks about their story and how they have learned in someway to help or inspire other people and to do good in the world.

After she does some other cooking segments or games she then goes to her last segment called “#What I’m Liking.” She finds something on social media that she finds hilarious or something that someone has done to help someone else out in need. That same show she found a video about a 6th grader who invented a robot that helps clean up the ocean. She then surprises her by Skyping her live on her show to talk to the girl named Anna.

If you want to check out the video of her what I’m like segment and her whole episode that day with Jason Momoa (Aquaman) check out the link below!


I loved this particular episode because of Kelly’s kids getting to be in the show. I love every episode of The Kelly Clarkson Show! Watching her show everyday gives me a reason to relax after a long day at school or work.

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